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Eqestrian archers of the World

Equestrian archers in 2021 Countries in 2021   Country Number of registered 1 Hungary 110 2 Canada 37 3 Romania 21 4 United States 12 5 South Africa 6 6 Russian Federation 5 7 Slovakia 5 8 France 4 9 Belgium 3 10 Luxembourg 3


Dear Equestrian Archers, Dear Visitors, The World Federation of Equestrian Archery hereby invites you to an as-yet unique event all over the world, to the World Day of Equestrian Archery. The World Day of Equestrian Archery offers a great possibility for equestrian archers to introduce

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(for the purposes of registration for the World Day of Equestrian Archery) This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as Policy) serves to inform those submitting requests in order to complete registration for the Event (hereinafter referred to as Registrants) about data protection and data processing